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Development and use of xylanases.

Biocatalysts with new “designed” properties, are required in order to create competitiveness for use in a variety of applications (e.g. pulp industry enzymatic procedures, and transglycosylation based synthesis of e.g. surfactants). Such enzyme-based ”green technologies” is today of great significance in society marking a shift from management of waste to prevention of pollution at source in which Biotechnology represents a technology for delivering such environmental friendly products and processes. 
This project involves a research link between Durban University of Technology (DUT), South Africa and Lund University, Sweden, and focuses on development of selected glycosidases with the motive to improve their performance in the two above selected areas. 
The development is focused on both stability and pH- profile development, and specificity and equilibrium issues for synthesis reactions. Pentose modifying glycosidases (xylanases) are used in the development.

Contact: Eva Nordberg Karlsson (LU)
Collaboration: Suren Singh (DUT)