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PhD program

The Division of Biotechnology offers a PhD program of four years, designed to prepare students for productive careers in biotechnology. Its emphasis is training in research, and each student works closely with members of the staff. In addition to the requirement for a PhD dissertation based on original research, students are required to complete advanced courses in biotechnology and related areas, of a total of 60 points. Selection of these courses is tailored to fit the background and interests of each student.

All PhD students are expected to participate actively in the seminar program of the division and students are encouraged to attend and to present papers at regional and national meetings in biotechnology. Teaching experience is an integral part of the PhD curriculum and the PhD students are expected to work as lab-assistants at the various courses given by the department.

There is no enrolment form for application of a PhD position. The number of available PhD positions depends on the amount of funding received in the various research fields at the department. If you are interested in a specific field contact the people responsible for the field directly (see the different research areas) or contact the Head of the division Eva Nordberg Karlsson.


Information about PhD positions can be found on the faculty website.

Vacant positions

More information about PhD studies

Post graduate studies at the Department of Chemistry

Post graduate studies at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH)

Post graduat studies at Lund University