Degree projects
Every year the broad area of biotechnology attracts Master students, both from Sweden and abroad. In all, around 25 students perform their master thesis work at the division every year within the areas of environmental, industrial, food and medical biotechnology. For a list of recent master thesis projects at our department see the scrollbar to the left.
If you are interested in doing a master thesis project at our division, have a look in our list of master thesis projects or have a look at the research descriptions. If a particular research project looks interesting to you contact the responsible researcher directly. It will almost always be possible to perform a master thesis project within most of the ongoing research project.
As a master student you will be supervised by a person with a doctoral degree and guided by experienced doctoral students through your thesis project. Your work will consist of both practical and theoretical elements, and it can be performed in collaboration both with other institutions and companies. The department has well equipped laboratories and analytical instruments for research in environmental, industrial, food and medical biotechnology.
A master thesis project usually consists of 20 weeks of research, studies and writing of a report. It can be started at all times over the year after agreement with the supervisor. Your master thesis is presented in a written report and is ended by an oral presentation at a seminar. Sometimes the results can be used as material for a scientific article published in an international journal. The master thesis work can also be a first step towards doctoral studies.