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M. Andac, F. M. Plieva, A. Denizli, I. Yu. Galaev and B. Mattiasson. Poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) based macroporous hydrogels with disulfide cross-linker. Macromol. Chem. Phys., 2008, 209: 577–584 

J. Andersson, D. Sahoo and B. Mattiasson. Isolation of potato proteins using simulated moving bed technology. Biotechnol. Bioeng. Published on line June 4, 2008, vol 101, pp 1256-1263 

N. Bereli, M. Andac, G. Baydemir, R. Say, I. Yu. Galaev and A. Denizli. Protein recognition via ion-coordinated molecularly imprinted supermacroporous cryogels. J. Chromatog. A, 2008, 1190: 18–26

I. Bohn, L. Björnsson and B. Mattiasson. Effect of temperature decrease on the methanogenic population and process performance of a mesophilic anaerobic bioreactor. Environmental Technol. 2008, 28: 943-952 

D. G. Cirne, V. B. Agbor and L. Björnsson. Enhanced solubilisation of the residual fraction of municipal solid waste. Water Sci. Technol. 2008, 57 (7): 995-1000 

M. B. Dainiak, I. N. Savina, I. Musolino, A. Kumar, B. Mattiasson and I. Yu. Galaev. Biomimetic macroporous hydrogel scaffolds in a high throughput screening format for cell-based assays. Biotechnol. Progr., 2008, 24(6): 1373-1383

C. Elovson Grey and P. Adlercreutz. Improved operational stability of chloroperoxidase through use of antioxidants. J. Biotechnol. 2008, 135: 196-201

I. Yu. Galaev and B. Mattiasson. Affinity procesing of cell-containing feeds using monolithic macroporous hydrogels, cryogels. In "Methods in Molecular Biology", vol. 421: Affinity Chromatography: Methods and protocols. Second ed. Ed. M. Zachariou. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA. 2008, pp. 247-255.  

A Guerreiro, A. Sorares, E. Piletska, B. Mattiasson and S. Piletsky. Preliminary evaluation of a new polymer matrix for solid-phase extraction of nonylphenol from water samples. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2008, 612: 99-104

E. V Hagström, M Nordblad and P Adlercreutz. Biocatalytic polyester acrylation - process optimization and enzyme stability. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2008, in press

S. Hajizadeh, A. E. Ivanov, M. Jahanshahi, M. H. Sanati, N. V. Zhuravleva, L. I. Mikhalovska and I. Yu. Galaev. Glucose sensor with high operational stability based on nanoporous boronic acid-containing gels. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2008, 68: 1625–1634

M. Hedström, F. Plieva, I. Yu. Galaev and B. Mattiasson. Monolithic macroporous albumin/chitosan gel: A new matrix for enzyme immobilization. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2008, 390: 907-912

T. Håkansson, P. Suer, B. Mattiasson and B. Allard. Remediation of mercury contaminated soil with electrokinetics and sulphate reducing bacteria. J. Env. Sci. Technol. 2008, in press

A. E. Ivanov , J. Eccles, H. A. Panahi, A. Kumar, M. V. Kuzimenkova, L. Nilsson, B. Bergenståhl, N. Long, G. J. Phillips, S. V. Mikhalovsky, I. Yu. Galaev and B. Mattiasson. Boronate-containing polymer brushes: characterization, interaction with saccharides and mammalian cancer cells. J. Biomed. Mat. Res.: Part A, 2008, 88A (1): 213-225

A. E. Ivanov, C. Thammakhet, M. V. Kuzimenkova, P. Thavarungkul, P. Kanatharana, L. I. Mikhalovska, S. V. Mikhalovsky, I. Yu. Galaev and B. Mattiasson. Thin semitransparent gels containing phenylboronic acid: porosity, optical response and permeability for sugars. J. Molec. Recogn., 2008, 21: 89-95

A. E. Ivanov, L. Nilsson, I. Yu. Galaev and B. Mattiasson. Boronate-containing polymers form affinity complexes with mucin and enable tight and reversible occlusion of mucosal lumen by poly(vinyl alcohol) gel. Int. J. Pharmaceutics, 2008, 358: 36-43

H. Kirsebom, G. Rata, D. Topgaard, B. Mattiasson and I. Yu. Galaev. In situ 1H-NMR studies of free radical cryopolymerization. Polymer, 2008, 49: 3855–3858

A. Kumar, I. Yu. Galaev and B. Mattiasson. Affinity precipitation of proteins using metal chelates. In "Methods in Molecular Biology", vol. 421: Affinity Chromatography: Methods and Protocols. Second ed. Ed. M. Zachariou. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA. 2008, pp 37-60

A. Kumlanghan, P. Kanatharana, P. Asawatreratanakul, B. Mattiasson and P. Thararungkul. Microbial BOD sensor for monitoring treatment of waste water from a rubber latex industry. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 2008, 42: 483-491

M. V. Kuzimenkova, A. E. Ivanov, C. Thammakhet, L. I. Mikhalovska, I. Yu. Galaev, P. Thavarungkul, P. Kanatharana and B. Mattiasson. Optical responses, permeability and diol-specific reactivity of thin polyacrylamide gels containing immobilized phenylboronic acid. Polymer, 2008, B49: 1444-1454

A. Labes, E. Nordberg Karlsson, O. Fridjonsson, P. Turner, G. Hreggvidsson, J. Kristjansson, O. Holst and P. Schönheit. Isolation of new members of glycoside hydrolase family 13 derived from environmental DNA. Appl. Environ.Microbiol. 2008, 74: 1914-1921

A.-M. Lyberg and P. Adlercreutz. Lipase specificity towards eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid depends on substrate structure. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2008, 1784: 343-350

A.-M. Lyberg and P. Adlercreutz. Lipase-catalysed enrichment of docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid in squid oil. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2008, 110: 317-324.

A. Mshandete, L. Björnsson, A. K. Kivaisi, M. S. T. Rubindamayugi and B. Mattiasson. Effect of aerobic pre-treatment on production of hydrolases and volatile fatty acids during anaerobic digestion of solid sisal leaf decortications residues. African J. Biochem. Res. 2008, 2: 111-119

A. M.Mshandete, L. Björnsson, A. K. Kivaisi, M. S. T. Rubidamayugi and B. Mattiasson. Two-stage anaerobic digestion of aerobic pre-treated sisal leaf decortications residues: hydrolases activities and biogas production profile. African J. Biochem. Res. 2008, 2: 211-218

A. Mshandete, L. Björnsson, A. K. Kivaisi, M. S. T. Rubindamayugi and B. Mattiasson. Performance of biofilm carriers in anaerobic digestion of sisal leaf waste leachate. J. Biotechnol. [online]. 15 January 2008, vol. 11, no. 1 [cited date]. Available from Internet: ISSN0717-3458

S. Nilsang, V. Nehru, F. M. Plieva, K. S. Nandakumar, S. K. Rakshit, R. Holmdahl, B. Mattiasson and A. Kumar. Three-dimensional culture for monoclonal antibody production by hybridoma cells immobilized in macroporous gel particles. Biotechnol. Progress 2008, 24: 1122-1131

E. Nordberg Karlsson, A. Labes, P. Turner, O. H. Fridjonsson, C. Wennerberg, T. Pozzo, G.O. Hreggvidsson, J.K. Kristjansson, P. Schonheit. Differences and similarities in enzymes from the neopullulanase subfamily isolated from thermophilic species. Biologia 2008, 63/6, 1006-1014

M. Nordblad and P. Adlercreutz. Effects of acid concentration and solvent choice on enzymatic acrylation by Candida antarctica lipase. J. Biotechnol. 2008, 133: 127-133 

M. Nordblad and P. Adlercreutz. Efficient enzymatic acrylation through transesterification at controlled water activity. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2008, 99: 1518-1524

Parawira, J. S. Read, B. Mattiasson and L. Björnsson. P. Perez, F. Plieva, A. Gallardo, J. San Roman, M. R. Aguilar, I. Morfin, F. Ehrburger-Dolle, F. Bley, S. Mikhalovsky, I. Yu. Galaev and B. Mattiasson. Bioresorbable and non-resorbable macroporous thermosensitive hydrogels prepared by cryopolymerization. Role of the crosslinking agent. Biomacromolecules, 2008, 9: 66–74

F. M. Plieva, I. Yu. Galaev, W. Noppe and B. Mattiasson. Cryogel applications in microbiology. Trends Microbiol., 2008 16(11): 543-551

F. M. Plieva, P. Ekström, I.Yu. Galaev and B. Mattiasson. Monolithic cryogels with open porous structure and unique double-continuous macroporous networks. Soft Matter 2008, 4: 2418 - 2428

F. Plieva and B. Mattiasson. Macroporous gel particles as novel sorbent materials: rational design.  Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2008, 47: 4131-4141

R. Selling, T. Håkansson and L. Björnsson. Two-stage anaerobic digestion enables heavy metal removal. Water Sci. Technol. 2008, 57 (4): 553-558

J. Svensson and P. Adlercreutz. Identification of triacylglycerols in the enzymatic transesterification of rapeseed and butter oil. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2008, 110: 1007–1013

H. Zilouei, B. Guieysse and B. Mattiasson. Two-phase partitioning bioreactor for biodegradation of high concentrations of toxic organic pollutants. Chemosphere 2008, 72: 1788-1794