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Enzyme screening, development and production

With the increasing legislation demand on industry to limit the uses of harmful chemicals, the focus on enzymes for the development of environmentally friendly technologies has received considerable attention over the past few years. The focus of this project has been set on screening and development of enzymes of extremophilic origin catalysing synthesis of surfactants of the alkyl-glycoside type using a combination of in-silico and in-vitro techniques. To allow efficient production, candidates with good production properties in E. coli have been selected. For example two glucosidases from Thermotoga neapolitana have been developed during the year. Structural studies and detailed characterization is ongoing, and additional mutagenesis for further improvement of enzyme properties is ongoing.

Supervisors: Eva Nordberg Karlsson, Rajni Hatti-Kaul
Researchers: Pernilla Turner, Martin Graeber, Erik Kanders, Gashaw Mamo